PM Modi spots Indian flag lying on ground,Watch what he did next

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on Wed, 23 Aug 2023 17:18:29 IST

Johannesburg:Prime Minister Narendra Modi was careful not to step on the Indian flag during a pho... Show more

Johannesburg:Prime Minister Narendra Modi was careful not to step on the Indian flag during a photoshoot at the BRICS summit at Johannesburg today.

The position of each country leader was marked with the national flag on stage. A video shows Prime Minister Modi and South African president Cyril Ramaphosa approaching their positions. The Prime Minister picks up the flag and keeps it in his jacket pocket.
The South African president, who had already stepped over his country's flag, noticed the gesture and picked it up. He then handed it over to a colleague. The woman offered to take the flag from PM Modi, who appeared to gesture that he'd rather keep it.  Show less

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